An indie short film

A journey through ones self to find life and freedom from within, and to not turn back.

Inside Herself
Was Freedom

To Fight Her Heart
Or To Follow It?

And Truly Live...

This trailer sets the stage for what we will be releasing next- The Burning Shack : a still film. Still film is a term I made up. It pairs still photography frames with the concept of a moving movie storyboard, along with an original poem created specifically for the project.

Very rarely do we get time to create pieces for ourselves around here. But I guess when we do, we go all out.
This is our FIRST short film, everything else to date has been made up fully of photographs or have been used to showcase the portrait work I do. This is the FIRST project where the filming was totally separate from the photography, we just worked off the same story line and concept.

Concept and Vision- Autumn Carufel | AJBC Photography Photographer
Videography- Taylor Walsh | AJBC Photography Assistant
Video Editing- Autumn and Taylor of AJBC Photography
Model and Wardrobe- Audrey Huggard
