Viewing entries tagged
family photographer

Top Michigan Winter Photo Shoots


Top Michigan Winter Photo Shoots

Winter is here! Get inspired for your own session!

Engagement, Family, Senior, Beauty photoshoot in the snow!

We love the look of cozy engagement photos shot in the colder months of the year. So grab a cup of hot cocoa and get inspiration for your own cozy engagement photos!

Check Out Jen & Zack's Full Engagement Session!


There’s something so magical and captivating about playing among the snowflakes! Don't let the cold stop you! Get out your cute scarfs and boots and don't miss out on this fun, unique experience!

Check out the rest of Aubrey's Whimsical Senior Session!


Have the best of both worlds with family fun in the snow to warming up in the cutest coffee shops with the ones you love!

Check out The adorable Werner Family for some lifestyle inspiration!


It doesn't need to be a bright and warm day to capture beauty! Winter may have this dark and gloomy persona but some of the most gorgeous shots have been taken playing in the fresh snowfall, dancing in the white out fields, and climbing washed up ice mountains! 

Get inspired by Taylor's Dark Beauty Shoot on Lake Huron!

Check out my Self Portrait in the white woods of Grayling!

Just Imagine white snow blanketing the town, flocking the trees, and floating down. How could you not be inspired for a whimsical winter beauty shoot!

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A Gift of Memories through a Photoshoot


A Gift of Memories through a Photoshoot

They are not just another cancer story

In the home Lifestyle Photography -
Black and White Collection

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   I walked into John and Wendy's home to find 2 sweet kids playing on a huge sectional couch. Wendy had their home spotless and decorated with things that don't scream "department store" but "this is who my family is."

   My local hospital had gotten us in touch... I have a kind lady on the inside that will pass my info onto cancer patients who she feels as though could use a photoshoot as a way to express themselves, or preserve a moment and then we gift them with that- the shoot, the images, all of it. John was the second gentleman this year she's gotten me in contact with who had terminal cancer.

   His wife Wendy was willing to sneak away from home for an hour of so for a good cup of coffee and to tell me about who they are as a family and how she imagined them being captured for one of the last times. Wendy used to work at The Time Herald so she's no stranger to photography. I was instantly excited for her to have a chance to be in front of the camera with her family. And her requests were simple- capture us doing every day things we love to do together. The tradition that was top on her list was getting John tucking the kids into bed, like he always does- immortalizing those moments that are pure and so simple.

   The day of I took a back seat as this family of 4 bonded over board games, baking cookies, or simply cuddling on the couch together.

   We ended the shoot with John tucking the kids into bed. At this moment, with the camera protecting me, creating a barrier between real life and photography, it sunk in that someday soon these kids wouldn't have their Dad there and I had to remind myself- this isn't your time to break down, Autumn. You are here to do a job for this family, you have a gift you want to give them and you need to make yourself numb right now, and so I did.  

   I watched as Wendy had this carefree way of making this serious man in front of the camera laugh so easily and lower his guard as they talked about their first date. I saw how much he enjoyed talking dolls with his daughter and listening to his son read. Surrounding them were picture books of their own photographs showing family vacations and fun times. That home was filled with air clouded with love.

   Less than two weeks later John unexpectedly passed away, but his memory surely lives on, strongly, as the husband who supported his wife in her dreams, and the Dad who smelled stinky toes and flexed his Superman muscles.   


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Check out our Full Family Gallery!

Check out all the love in The Werner Families Photoshoot!

To see another Memorable Shoot we gifted check out Mark's Blog!


One year celebration in Goodells Park


One year celebration in Goodells Park

Mickey Mouse style Birthday Party Portraits

Young Family Session by Port Huron Photographer

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   Mickey Mouse ears and balloons every where! My baby book and playing with Mommy and Daddy. And to top it off- watermelon slices bigger than my head!
     I’m sure these were William’s thoughts the day of his One Year shoot!! I mean, it sounds like a dream day for any little boy turning the big O-N-E!
   We drove out to Goodells Park early in the morning to set up on a cute, old farm house front porch. Only to find the biggest fair of our area was happening- the 4H Fair!   I’ll skip the long version, but to sum it up we drove the 30 mins unknowingly, didn’t have enough cash to pay the entry fee, scrounged up money from our purses and vehicle, rehearsed my sob story, and a very, very nice gentlemen let us into the park for $14, instead of the $40 it should have cost. Thank goodness for good people in this world!
   Once we FINALLY got in the often barren park was FULL of campers, rides, and FARM ANIMALS!
   We had such a nice morning with this little adorable family of 3! We did family portraits, couple portraits and then it was William's time to shine! We busted out the Mickey Mouse ears while he played with balloons and ended the shoot with juicy, huge pieces of watermelon. His little hands and mouth were determined to take it all on and it ended in the stickiest, wettest, cutest mess you’ve ever seen.
   Take a look!
   Oh, and of course afterwards we went a looked at all the cute farm animals, because, honestly, who could resist?! 

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Check out our full Family & Kids Gallery!

Check out Cute and Stylin' Massai's 1 year session!

To see another adorable kid check out Corbin's Harry Potter Themed Shoot!
