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mickey mouse

One year celebration in Goodells Park


One year celebration in Goodells Park

Mickey Mouse style Birthday Party Portraits

Young Family Session by Port Huron Photographer

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   Mickey Mouse ears and balloons every where! My baby book and playing with Mommy and Daddy. And to top it off- watermelon slices bigger than my head!
     I’m sure these were William’s thoughts the day of his One Year shoot!! I mean, it sounds like a dream day for any little boy turning the big O-N-E!
   We drove out to Goodells Park early in the morning to set up on a cute, old farm house front porch. Only to find the biggest fair of our area was happening- the 4H Fair!   I’ll skip the long version, but to sum it up we drove the 30 mins unknowingly, didn’t have enough cash to pay the entry fee, scrounged up money from our purses and vehicle, rehearsed my sob story, and a very, very nice gentlemen let us into the park for $14, instead of the $40 it should have cost. Thank goodness for good people in this world!
   Once we FINALLY got in the often barren park was FULL of campers, rides, and FARM ANIMALS!
   We had such a nice morning with this little adorable family of 3! We did family portraits, couple portraits and then it was William's time to shine! We busted out the Mickey Mouse ears while he played with balloons and ended the shoot with juicy, huge pieces of watermelon. His little hands and mouth were determined to take it all on and it ended in the stickiest, wettest, cutest mess you’ve ever seen.
   Take a look!
   Oh, and of course afterwards we went a looked at all the cute farm animals, because, honestly, who could resist?! 

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baby eating watermelon 1 year old baby photoshoot michigan portrait photographer.jpg
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port huron michigan 1 year old photographer mickey mouse themed baby photoshoot .jpg

Check out our full Family & Kids Gallery!

Check out Cute and Stylin' Massai's 1 year session!

To see another adorable kid check out Corbin's Harry Potter Themed Shoot!
