I want to take this to a more personal level now and share with you a little bit more about what has started this fire inside of me, and explain to you better who I am and what I'm all about, because I think due to the nature of my job, and my work, there is some confusion about that.
Yes, I am a beauty photographer. I use the word beauty more than boudoir because boudoir means bedroom and 8 times out of 10 I am suggesting something other than the typical bedroom shot.
I say I have no clue how I fell in to this, but when I really think about it, that's a lie. I know. It started about 3 years ago when I had met my limit on photographing typical family portraits and crazy, crying, screaming kids. I wanted to connect with people and be able to work with those who allowed me to help direct and style their shoot in order pull out a story. That's when I scheduled my first boudoir shoot, and I'll be honest, I was super nervous. Always loving fashion photography I felt like this was going to be the closest thing to that, but it involved underwear, and skin, and after being taught all my life to keep your body private, that was an odd concept, but it wasn't me I was photographing, so I didn't care.
I see uncensored, raw beauty and art in the human body. Do I have a burning desire to do a Boudoir session myself? No. Not in the typical sense. Not at all if I were 100% honest. And this is where things get odd and people get shocked, bc my portfolio is packed with hot ladies in minimal clothing and I'm knowledgable about what makes a women's body look smoking. And shouldn't the woman photographing you love this for you as much as she loves it for herself? And as you look through these photos of me in this letter to you, wouldn't one call them Boudoir!?
I say no... and the main reason why? There's a strong, strong need for me to create these pieces other than to just undress. These images hold emotion, a story, a point. There ALWAYS has to be a point to what we're doing, in life, and in photos.
I play in to gifting this experience solely for your "man" often, and what he might like, but on the inside, I'm really SCREAMING- Do this for yourself too! Think about yourself! SEE what he sees and don't be afraid to treat yourself, just one day, to an experience that's designed to give you light and confidence back, even if HE, or SHE, or THEY, or the WORLD doesn't get it! Even if your idea of sexy, hot, beautiful, empowering is different than what they like! Don't just do this for them. You're worth this. Stop thinking of your body as a gift to the world and think of it as your own gift to yourself, to appreciate and take care of. Celebrate that. Because at the end of the day, who lives in that body?
I guess after screaming that in my head for years, I'm finally saying it outloud and I hope you understand where I'm coming from.
I got my start by being a Self Portrait Artist. That means people started to recognize me and my photography skills based on how I was shooting myself. At that time, I did some of my best work, still to date. I photographed myself in minimal clothing before I even considered boudoir because I didn't think of it as being sexy, I saw it as an artistic outlet, being a character, and telling a story. If no clothes would better get the point across, that's what I would do. A lot of the time I truly feel like clothes and what they portray can get in the way of the rawness I like to capture. It honestly never, ever crossed my mind though that I was being sexy, and if it did, I got uncomfortable, because sexy is probably the LAST word I would use to describe myself.
Pretty odd for someone who specializes in beauty, right? I talk the talk, and I pretend to walk the walk, but in all reality, every day, under my clothes, I own NO matching bra and underwear sets and a vast array of my underwear are comparable to granny panties due to the fact that one year we left to go on a vacation that was so long I found out I didn't have enough underwear for the trip and stopped and bought the cheapest pack of underwear I could find to get me by...