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Gravel and Grit- Senior Session on country backroads and downtown Port Huron

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Gravel and Grit- Senior Session on country backroads and downtown Port Huron

High School Senior Session in down town Port Huron, The McMorran Hockey Arena, and
on country back roads.

Port Huron Northern Senior Photographer

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Tayler- I don't know for sure but I'm assuming she's the girl that all the boys want to hang out with AND date. She's the perfect mix of tomboy and natural beauty. She's fashionable, fun, but not afraid to get dirty, hike through the woods, or hunt. She can keep up with the boys, but isn't totally one of the boys. 
   I love girls like this! Don't let your beauty hold you back. Don't let your wild side tame your beauty. 
   Her session was so fun. Part 1 was literally photographed in a ditch off the side of the road. I was positive Tayler could make any location beautiful, so I wasn't worried. 
   Next we went out to the country where she hunts and climbed some trees. Because, well, why not. After that we went to down town Port Huron and photographed along the cute shops and city streets as the wind blew her hair just perfectly. We ended at the McMorran Hockey Arena where we got some gritty stadium images. 

For more outdoor senior beauty check out Amanda's Country Session

If you like the downtown fashion check out Marissa's Senior Shoot

Check out our full Senior Gallery

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