Cut the tags out- knowing your self worth as a woman and not a number

A couple days ago I stumbled across this post on my facebook newsfeed, which I quickly shared to my personal page. 

Found on facebook- original source unknown

Found on facebook- original source unknown

I paired it with my thoughts that were similar to "this is really stupid for a lot of reasons." Mostly because I felt as though this chart was completely unrealistic on every level. 

I got A LOT of feedback. 

Things like-

"And what the hell were they thinking when they added ZERO as a size? Are we supposed to aim for invisibility?!"

" ...Even at a size 12 I never had the flat tummy that this image shows. But, I also know my worth and it has nothing to do with my pants size nor the number on the scale. ...I've struggled with my body image for years until I realized I was more than just a body. I'm witty, well read, an amazing cook/baker and driven woman which is something a number on a label or scale is never going to say."

and lastly-

"Cut the tags out..."

And then it hit me.  We, as a society, as women, as individuals need to cut the tags out. 

So I ask you- When you're no longer a number, what are you?
I want you ALL to answer that question in the comments below for me. 
Because you owe it to yourself to know, to maybe brag a little, be proud, and most importantly, let other women know you're living outside the number society has pinned on you, and they can too. 

Who are you when you cut the tags out?

I'll start...

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When I cut the tags out I'm left with being an artist. I frequently live my life dirty. Paint, dirt, dust, grease, sawdust...  I'm an explorer, a writer, a builder, and a damn hard worker. I will keep up with the boys. I will drink beer with the boys. I will shop with the girls but I refuse to get my nails done because they will end up destroyed at soon as I get home. I have a farmer's tan and yes I own a baby tractor. My closet consists mostly of super cheap clothes because I don't understand name brands. My hairdresser informed me that my husband and I have the same haircut, and I'm ok with that, because my hubby is super hot, so maybe that makes me super hot too. I have no clue how to be sexy, it makes me uncomfortable and giggly. I'm confident because my mom taught me to be proud of who I am and urged me to be different. And that had nothing to do with tags. Cut them out. 

And as I said before in The Revolution about societies standards on women ...

Fuck your beauty standards

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Port Huron, Michigan Photographer specializing in the beauty of women- ajbc photography



making memories to enjoy 70 years from now

   There’s nothing quite like a bond between a grandma and granddaughter. Capturing the simple moments in life to look back on years down the road seem like a great idea now, but 20 years from now, 40 years from now, maybe 70 years from now for your grandchild… the word “great” will be an understatement. You and they will truly cherish the ability to look back on a younger version of yourselves and how connected and happy you were at that moment.

   Angela wanted to capture exactly that in a way that was truly them. When they get together they spend time at the beach, and just enjoy each other. So that’s exactly what we did here. We went to the beach, and just… lived, freely and beautifully, so they could look back on those moments for years to come.


Port Huron, Michigan Family Photographer- Beach Session


The Pillow and The Pond- Fine Art + Short Film by Port Huron, MI Photographer- ajbc photography


The Pillow and The Pond- Fine Art + Short Film by Port Huron, MI Photographer- ajbc photography

I've been told, "Go to The Pond, that is where you'll find your dreams." 
Dreams full of color, and dreams full of life, where everything has meaning. 

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I never dream in color so it's hard to imagine where this journey might take me. 
What will I see and how will I feel? I can't imagine the awakening. 

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So I set out on a path full of ferns and full of fantasy. 
But that trip is stopped short when I see a pillow longing for me. 

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It tells me, "Don't go to the Pond, stay here with me.
Rest your head on my pure white sheet."
All those things you travel to see, 
You can see them here with me."

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I close my eyes and know where I'll go. To the dreamland that's never exciting. 
For everything I've ever found there was meaningless, but maybe, just maybe, it's been hiding.

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My mind goes blank and I feel like I'm spinning. The earth shifts from green to gold. 
And I can't help but wonder if I'm dreaming. This goes against everything I've been told.

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"Go to The Pond,' they said. But what about The Pillow?
These ups and these downs. I can feel it now. 
My body has been planted on the ground. 

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Don't open your eyes. You know not where you are. 
And surely this isn't right. 
You've tossed and turned, and the sky has reversed.
Is it morning or is it night?

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Something is cool, was there mud under The Pillow?
I crack my eyes and can not believe what I see in my palm. 
For behold, I'm at The Pond.

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The colors. The life. The meaning I am feeling. 
There's no way I am dreaming. 

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I can feel the water on my face. 
I absolutely know I am 100% present in this place. 

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But wait, I'm feeling so dizzy, I better sit down. 

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I'll rest upon the water, watch my hands release smoke. 

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But right before I float, I get an overwhelming feeling that I may choke. 
Or drown. Or never resurface to feel my feet upon the ground. 
I inhale and exhale and soon I can see.

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The Pillow that I so trusted, he tricked me. 

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Watch The Pillow and The Pond short film (with your volume up or it's NOT the same):

Uploaded by Autumn Carufel on 2015-07-23.

I consider this more "Dark Beauty," which I adore! Check out the first time Taylor and I ever shot together when she modeled for me at my first dark beauty shoot ever!

The Pillow and The pond Inspired me to create "Floating Through the Veil" for Halloween.

And exactly 1 year later we shot "The Burning Shack Short Film and Burning Shack Trailer together!


Check out the full beauty gallery here!


boho summer family session with port huron michigan photographer ajbc photography


boho summer family session with port huron michigan photographer ajbc photography

Meet the cutest, silliest, most fashionable family ever! Kristina and her kids, I'm almost certain, are all secretly models. After getting their hair and makeup done they rolled up to the home studio, got out of the car, and one by one they just kept getting better and better! My assistant and I just looked at each other and said- "Oh my gosh, they look SO good! AH!" We had decided on a boho picnic look when planning but I didn't know they were going to pull it off so perfectly. Them and the vibe and look of the set we created for them were awesome together. We also made sure each kid got to pick out their own unique spot to get shot at, and they nailed it! See for yourself! 


Check out our Full Family Gallery!

If you love the boho look, check out this adorable little girl in her bohemian/ beach session

For a more retro family shoot check out Linsay's Family Photoshoot!
